About me
I live in Chicago and work full-time in consumer protection. I am grateful to work at an agency with terrific people who are passionate about public service. I am constantly inspired by our mission to make the financial markets work for consumers, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole. Although I am based in Chicago, my job provides opportunity to travel the Midwest most weeks.
My professional and educational background is highly technical (finance, accounting, and law). Highly goal-oriented, my focus tends default to the destination, always seeking the shortest distance between two points. Photography helps me slow down, reflect, and really enjoy the journey.
I am an instructor at Richard Stromberg’s Chicago Photography Classes (CPC), a privately-owned photography school that has built a community centered on photography. I have taught Photo 1, Photo 2, and instructed the Photo 1 Lightroom Lab. I have taken a wide-range of classes at CPC (Photo 1, 2, and 3; Lightroom Basic and Advanced; Photoshop; Advanced Printing; Architectural Abstract Photography; Art of Composition; Building Websites with Squarespace). If you are interested in photography, I highly recommend both the curriculum and the instructors at CPC. Please reach out with any questions regarding CPC (bill.wmpa@icloud.com), and see what it is all about at www.chicagophotoclasses.com.
I serve on the board of directors for FreshLens Chicago. Our mission is to provide educational arts programing to students from under-resourced areas in Chicago, to give students opportunity to develop skills and gain confidence through the vehicle of photography. We promote individual growth, team building, good work habits, and responsibility in our student photographers. Please reach out with any questions regarding FreshLens Chicago (BillS@freshlenschicago.org), and see what it is all about at www.freshlenschicago.org.
Connect with me on Instagram so I can follow your journey.